Philosophy of Medicine Vol 3 ToC Alert


Philosophy of Medicine

Volume 3 (2022)


Original Research


Death Sentences: Criminalization, Medicalization, and the Nature of Disease

Stephen John


On Validators for Psychiatric Categories

Miriam Solomon


Diagnostic Parsimony: Ockham Meets Bayes

Bengt Autzen




Philosophical Perspectives on Covid-19

Alex Broadbent and Jonathan Fuller


Philosophical Perspectives on Covid-19


Reviewing the Reproduction Number R in Covid-19 Models

Maria Cristina Amoretti and Elisabetta Lalumera


When Is Lockdown Justified?

Lucie White, Philippe van Basshuysen, and Mathias Frisch


Pandemic Modeling, Good and Bad

Robert Northcott


Experts, Democracy, and Covid-19

Victor Karl Magnússon


Inconvenient Truth and Inductive Risk in Covid-19 Science

Eli I. Lichtenstein




Philosophy of Medicine and Covid-19: Must Do Better

Alex Broadbent


Book Reviews


Vital Norms: Canguilhem’s ‘The Normal and the Pathological’ in the Twenty-First Century, Edited by Pierre-Olivier Méthot

Massimiliano Simons


Anya Plutynski’s Explaining Cancer: Finding Order in Disorder

Maël Lemoine




Should Doctors Care About Their Patients?

Charlie Kurth


The Adverse Event Paradox

Thomas Milovac


Thank you


Philosophy of Medicine warmly thanks all of the editors, reviewers, and authors who contributed to the journal in 2022.