Does Schizophrenia Exist?

A Deflationary Perspective




Psychiatry, Nosology, Existence, Reality, Disorder, Metaontological Deflationism


This paper develops and defends a deflationary analysis of existence claims involving psychiatric disorders. According to this analysis, a given psychiatric disorder exists if, and only if, there are people who have the disorder. The implications of this analysis are spelled out for our views of nosological decision making, and for the relationship between claims about the existence of psychiatric disorders and claims about their reality. A pragmatic view of psychiatric nosology is defended and it is argued that worries about the “reality” of any given disorder have to be distinguished clearly from questions about its existence.


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How to Cite

Repnikov, G. (2023). Does Schizophrenia Exist? A Deflationary Perspective. Philosophy of Medicine, 4(1).



Original Research Articles (philosophy of psychiatry)