“Tortured Phrases” in Covid-19 Literature
Can They Serve as Epistemic Markers to Assess the Integrity of Biomedical Information?
Deontology, Editorial oversight, Ethics, Failed peer review, Nature of science, Nonsense text, Scientific ethos, Status quo testing, TruthAbstract
Medical practitioners and healthcare workers rely on information accuracy in academic journals. Some Covid-19 papers contain “tortured phrases”, nonstandard English expressions, or imprecise or erroneous terms, that give the impression of jargon but are not. Most post-publication attention paid to Covid-19 literature has focused on the accuracy of biomedical aspects, the validity of claims, or the robustness of data, but little has been published on linguistic specificity. This paper highlights the existence of “tortured phrases” in select Covid-19 literature, arguing that they could serve as a class of epistemic marker when evaluating the integrity of the scientific and biomedical literature.
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